embsay childrens centre
embsay childrens centre embsay childrens centre
Prospective Parents
Current Parents
Sessions and Fees
Our Team

Education - learning how to learn

“Children benefit from the excellent quality of teaching delivered in a well-thought-out, stimulating and child-friendly environment.”   Ofsted 2014

The Centre follows a child-centred approach to education placing an emphasis on the academic and social development of every individual child. We know that learning to learn (and that its fun!) in the early years has more impact than anything else on a child's long term successes, right into secondary school and beyond. We use the Early Years Foundation Syllabus to guide our curriculum and ensure your child is well prepared for school life. This document sets the standards for learning, development and care for children from birth to five. There is lots of information about this around the Centre and more information can be obtained at www.dfe.gov.uk.

Boy writing Outside learning

We recognise that as parents and guardians you are the prime educators of your child and the more we can work together the better. We talk to parents on a daily (and more) basis but in addition all children have their own file in which we all keep photos and records of important development throughout the children's time here.

We don't force children to sit in a classroom; respected adults model curiosity and motivation to learn. Our curriculum is carefully planned to introduce novelty into learning new ideas and we provide an atmosphere where children can ask questions without fear of making mistakes. The stimulating environment and experiences help children learn how to learn, develop self-esteem, independence and knowledge.